Bringing runDisney home

Later today, I am excited to announce that I’ll be meeting with my friends Christine and Katie for our first official #VAisforrunDisneylovers event: an extravaganza including talking (about runDisney) shopping (for running clothes), running and cupcakes 🙂

One of my many cupcake finds in VA, Frostings.
Archived cupcake image from my files ❤

I am really stoked to see these ladies – they are both friends that I have met through the world of runDisney – Christine, through the blog she co-writes with her mom and Katie through chance meeting at the Wine and Dine Half Marathon Meetup! It was such a wonderful surprise to find that they were both somewhat local friends (in the Central VA region-ish) and planning meetups with them definitely fills that void between runDisney events!

Scary suspension bridge
Scary suspension bridge Katie and I ran across in #RVA

While I’ve been lucky enough to see both Christine and Katie on separate occasions (Christine at the Blue Moon Wicked 10K last October as well as the VA is for Lovers 14K and Katie on a fun Richmond run this past December and the Colonial Half Marathon last month) it is the first time we’ll all hang out together so I am AMPED 😀

The fun starts this afternoon, so I will attempt to get a few housekeeping things done around the house before then, but I also wanted to take this opportunity to share two other fun-tastic runDisney related events that are on my mind this sunny Saturday morning:

  • Tomorrow marks the first day of Princess Week on Outrunning the Monorail! I am excited to have a whole week of special guest posts that highlight all the fun of last month’s Princess Half Marathon so hop over there to check out some amazing stories and photos.
  • Last night on twitter, something amazing happened: #DumboDareCupcakeMeetup was born. Yes, it’s now officially a thing. Add yourself or subscribe to THIS LIST to indiciate your interest in participating in a meetup during Disneyland Half Marathon Weekend that marries running and sweets, yet again.

So, until later…have a wonderful weekend, all and follow the #VAisforrunDisneylovers hashtag this afternoon for updates on the fun! I’m ready to enjoy some nicer weather (it should hit the mid-50’s today, despite the remnants of Wednesday’s snow storm) and have a blast!

Anything FUN on your agenda this weekend? What’s the weather like where you live?

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