Six Months Strong!


Tomorrow, I will be the mommy of a 6-month old…how is that possible?

Now, I have a ton of updates about Abby and her development that I am excited to share, but before that, I just wanted to write a quick update on my thoughts, experience, and emotions regarding nursing these past six months.

Before Abby was born, I didn’t think much about breastfeeding. I mean, I had made the decision that it was something I wanted to do, but I hadn’t overdone my research on it, as I often have a tendency to do. It was not like I thought I didn’t need to read about it/learn about it – I just didn’t want to psyche myself out. On top of that, I was a little nervous about the whole “#normalizebreastfeeding” thing – would it be challenging to nurse in public? Would I get rude comments?

Well, six months in – and I am proud to say that I am so happy and fortunate that our breastfeeding journey has been a great one so far. Although we had to supplement the first few weeks with Abby’s initial slow weight gain, those days are far behind us, as evidenced by her healthy rolls (LOL)Β it’s been all breastfeeding since then and I have to admit, I never thought I’d be so attached (excuse the pun) to it.

It’s hard to explain, but golly, the human body is incredible! Not only am I sustaining another life with my own, but did you know there are crazy magical powers associated with breastmilk, too?! Haha! This past weekend, our household was struck with a trifecta of less than desirable events:

  1. Hot water went out.
  2. Storm was on its way.
  3. Tummy bug.

Yup, that last one was the biggy. Hubs got it first, then passed it to me. I was so worried about Abby getting sick, but knew that the best thing to do through it all was to keep nursing her to pass on antibodies, and wouldn’t you know, she made it through like a champ!

I’ll admit, the road wasn’t always this smooth (those first few weeks were definitely rough – constant and lengthy feedings, sore nipples, the whole shebang) and I know that there will be more challenges ahead, but I am thankful that I am able to do this for Abby.

As far as my initial concerns – nursing in public? It just took a few times out and about to get used to it – and comments? A few onlookers, and, surprisingly, some really positive ones from kids! (“mommy, look at that cute baby eating!”) Those were nice surprises.

So, here’s to at least another 7 months!*

My goal is 13 months, since I will start training for the Celebration Marathon, in January 2017, so I don’t want to change anything up in the nursing department, if I have any say in the matter πŸ˜‰

4 thoughts on “Six Months Strong!

  1. Good for you mama!!! Congrats!
    the first couple months and weaning are the hardest. Hopefully you won’t have a stage 9 clinger like I had. We weaned a month ago after 20 months and my son still reaches for my “boo boos” It’s cute, but embarrassing in public. lol

    • Thanks, H! I am a little nervous about weaning, but trying not to think about it too much, lol! πŸ˜‰ Good on you for 20 months, though! πŸ˜€ That’s awesome.

  2. Congrats!! Six months was about as far as I thought we’d get. Months 6-8 were probably the best times in the be department, so you got through the hard part!! We weaned at 14 months, and it went really smooth in spite of my fears.

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